About Our Church
From 1832 to today is a long time. In the day of instant everything, it is incredible to be a part of an organization that has stood the test of time. Mount Vernon Baptist Church has been ministering to this community longer than the Southern Baptist Convention has been in existence and almost as long as the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. With 1776 being the birth of our nation, Mount Vernon has been here almost as long as America herself.
Imagine if these roads and woods could talk. Think of the horses and buggies that used to tie up outside under the majestic oak trees. Hear the ringing of "Shall We Gather At The River" coming through the woods from the old baptistery. Hear the clanging of the bell from our bell tower that used to sing its call to worship from the old church building. Bow your head low for the many tears shed in our cemetery from loved ones gone on to claim the promise of our faith. Smell the aroma of "Dinner on the Grounds" as tables were set up under the canopy and the sweet odor of fried chicken hung heavy over the summertime air. Look down the road and imagine the first Model T chugging its way into the parking lot as crowds of fascinated worshipers came out to see the horseless carriage.
Hear today the sounds of children laughing and singing in Vacation Bible School. See the vibrant faces of our youth as they load up the church bus to head out on a mission trip. Join our enthusiastic seniors as they gather for a fellowship meal to celebrate birthdays of our patriarchs and matriarchs. Hear the ringing of the hammer as our Baptist Men build a wheelchair ramp in the community. Come listen to the melodic voices of our choir singing praises to the LORD. Participate in a mission project like disaster relief, the local soup kitchen, the backpack program, or join our Hospice Volunteers.
Mount Vernon Baptist Church has a proud history and an exciting future. Changes in the world around us allow us to be more connected than ever to a world in need of the message of Jesus Christ. What will the next 200 years hold? We only know that the eternal God we serve who has led us to this place will direct our missions and ministries forward in this new millennium.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Scott Courtney